The public wealth of nations : how management of public assets can boost or bust economic growth / Dag Detter and Stefan Fölster


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 22936
نوع المادة book
الموقع الالكتروني
ردمك 978-1-137-51984-9
رقم الطلب 336 D483p
المؤلف Detter, Dag
العنوان The public wealth of nations : how management of public assets can boost or bust economic growth / Dag Detter and Stefan Fölster
بيانات النشر New York, [UNITED STATES]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
الوصف المادي xiv, 230 P
الملاحظات الببليوجرافية Includes bibliographical references (P: 206-211) and index.
المحتويات / النص 1. What can public wealth do for you? --
2. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you: the cost of poor governance --
3. How poorly governed state-run businesses can ruin the economy and politics -- 
4. The size and potential of public wealth -- 
5. Politicians as consumer advocates instead of quasi-capitalists -- 
6. Early attempts to reform governance of public wealth -- 
7. Swedish pioneers: from active to “hands-off” governance -- 
8. “Hands-on” but independent governance: the innovator from Singapore -- 
9. Monetizing value improves democracy and yields -- 
10.The transition to national wealth funds -- 
11. Strategies for creating value --
12. Lessons for future national wealth funds --
13. We all want to build roads now, but can we afford it? --
14. From decay to governance in the public interest
"We have spent the last three decades engaged in a pointless and irrelevant debate about the relative merits of privatization or nationalization. We have been arguing about the wrong thing while sitting on a goldmine of assets.
Don’t worry about who owns those assets, worry about whether they are managed effectively.
Why does this matter? Because despite the Thatcher/ Reagan economic revolution, the largest pool of wealth in the world – a global total that is much larger than the world’s total pensions savings, and ten times the total of all the sovereign wealth funds on the planet – is still comprised of commercial assets that are held in public ownership. If professionally managed, they could generate an annual yield of 2.7 trillion dollars, more than current global spending on infrastructure: transport, power, water, and communications.
Based on both economic research and hands-on experience from many countries, the authors argue that publicly owned commercial assets need to be taken out of the direct and distorting control of politicians and placed under professional management in a ‘National Wealth Fund’ or its local government equivalent. Such a move would trigger much-needed structural reforms in national economies, thus resurrect strained government finances, bolster ailing economic growth, and improve the fabric of democratic institutions." (from publisher's page)
المواضيع Public finance
الأسماء المرتبطة Folster, Stefan

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الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0229360001 336 D483p
1 سليمة

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